filmography index 



● 8ミリフィルムによる長時間露光技法作品。
この手法による作品シリーズの制作を1990年 代から継続して行っている。

● この技法では「光の筆による描画」としての映像作品を目指している。

● この作品はダンス白州2007において制作した。

● 映像は、被写体そのものの持つ意味と、それを表象する光との二重性を持つ。
この作品シリ ーズでは後者にウエイトを置きながらも撮影者の身体による「ブレ」を積極的に映像の構成要素とすることで、「映像」の自動生成性へ介入し、映像世界から解離される撮影者の「主体」を映像に溶け込ませることを試みる。


● 富士フィルムによるサポートが終息に向かっているsingle8。
しかし8ミリフィルムの持つ 独特の質感と美しさ、自由さは他のメディアにはないものを備えており、最新のデジタルメディアと同様、このメディアを使って出来ることはまだまだ多くあると考えている。


COPYRIGHT (C) 2007 Kawaguchi Hajime. All Rights Reserved.

ダンス白州2007 映像の森ワークショップ<2007年、山梨>

パーソナルフォーカス2007番外篇 <2007年、福岡、東京、山形、神戸>

ロッテルダム国際映画祭/Starting from Scratchプログラム_Japanese 8mm Kicks Ass Beautiful


By 8mm film, slow shutter exposure technique work. I continue a work series by this technique from the 1990's.

It is aiming at the image work as "a drawing by the writing brush of the light" with this technique.
Attach a ND filter to the camera 8mm, and lower the amount of light to the lens, and do hand-operated crank photography with a slow shutter in every 1 frame of from 1 second until about 2 seconds.
Create the image that a figure collapses by shaking it in the camera intentionally in each frame in case of that.
It becomes the image which has the peculiar touch which only the whole atmosphere was left in though details are lost when that is shown as a motion picture.

This work was produced in "Dance Hakushu 2007".
It wanted to confine a feeling of the air there in the film, and took pictures more than scenery itself.
I developt by myself using the spring water after the crank-up, and I set a screen in the wood after the sunset and shown.
Shooting, developing, and screening. it was an interesting experience to go in the same air of the same place.

An image has dualism.
It is a matter of optical that to express the meaning which a subject itself has, and that and to do.
Though importance is placed on the latter, I intervene in this work series to the automatic formation of the image by making "a shake" by the photographer's body the component of the image actively.
I did like that, and tried to make the photographer himself who was separated from the image world and whom it was melt into the image.

single-8 that support by Fuji film approaches an end.
But, 8mmfilm has the peculiar feel of material, beauty and freedom.
I think that what can be done by using this media occurs still abundantly as well as the latest digital media.